Letters to the Editor
Wavelength, the magazine of the Sussex Yacht Club, will appear more frequently. The new editor, Spencer Neal, says he plans to have the Spring issue ready very soon, adding “Thanks to its members, Sussex Yacht Club is incredibly vibrant and hosts a wide range of activities. Wavelength, should reflect this. I think people would like to hear more from other members and to be more in touch with the club’s goings-on, ashore and on the water.”
Spencer is asking members to write in with their news, views and suggestions. He says “good or bad, it’s important we hear what members think about Sussex Yacht Club.”
Letters should include contact details and be marked “For Publication”.
Letters can be sent:
By email: editor@sussexyachtclubmagazine.org.uk
By post: The Editor, Wavelength, Sussex Yacht Club, 85/89 Brighton Road, Shoreham-by-Sea, BN43 6RF
Posted: December 31st 2016