


Race entry
Race information
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Port of entry information

Click here for information on the port of entry requirements for yachts traveling between the UK and the European Union.

Useful links:

UK – Border Force

France entry – PAF Le Havre

           – Website Registration

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Course information

Brighton to Fecamp (approximately 66.5NM)

Date of race: 24th May 2024

First warning signal: 09.00 BST

Organising authority: Sussex Yacht Club.

Race introduction

Launched in 1977 to mark the Queen’s silver jubilee, the historic Royal Escape Race is now amongst the oldest offshore sailing races in the country

Celebrating the escape of King Charles II from Cromwell after the Battle of Worcester, the race follows the route that Charles took aboard the coal barge Surprise from Shoreham-by-Sea to reach safety in the Normandy port of Fécamp.

The apparently simple course nevertheless provides plenty of challenges for both enthusiastic offshore racers and the less experienced wanting to try their hand at some cross channel racing.

Once ashore in France, a warm welcome can be anticipated at the Société des Régates de Fécamp located right on the quayside.

For the less experienced, the Corinthian nature and collegial atmosphere of the Royal Escape Race represent a perfect opportunity to make the channel crossing in good company, with plenty of “old hands” around to share advice and offer support.

The Royal Escape Race takes place during the Whitsun bank holiday weekend in May.

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Sailing instructions