SYC Summer Regatta 2011

Results as of 12:02 on July 5, 2013

IRC Fleet

Sailed: 4, Discards: 0, To count: 4, Rating system: TCC, Entries: 6, Scoring system: Appendix A
Fleet Boat Class SailNo Helm Rating Regatta 1 Regatta 2 Regatta 3 Regatta 4 Total Nett
IRC Jeneral Lee J Boat 6697 Graham Allen 0.983 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 6.0 6.0
IRC Vision SJ 320 2020 John May 0.962 2.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 8.0 8.0
IRC Barda First 45.5 3794 Steve Vyse 0.983 3.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 11.0 11.0
IRC Bombardier Elan 333 982 Terry Kinch 0.964 4.0 5.0 4.0 5.0 18.0 18.0
IRC Truant HOD 35 7580 Steve Thomas 1.007 7.0 DNC 7.0 DNC 5.0 4.0 23.0 23.0
IRC Moonlight Saunter Feeling 413 4114 David Skinner 0.979 7.0 DNC 3.0 7.0 DNC 7.0 DNC 24.0 24.0

PY Fleet

Sailed: 4, Discards: 0, To count: 4, Rating system: PY, Entries: 13, Scoring system: Appendix A
Fleet Boat Class SailNo Helm Rating Regatta 1 Regatta 2 Regatta 3 Regatta 4 Total Nett
PY Neilson - Shark Bite Laser SB3 3146 Mark Foley 888 3.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 8.0 8.0
PY Kereru Young 8.8 5880 Peter Whittle 900 2.0 1.0 4.0 4.0 11.0 11.0
PY Italian Job Wing 4463 Doug Beanlands 920 4.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 11.0 11.0
PY Scattered Magic   4046   960 8.0 5.0 6.0 5.0 24.0 24.0
PY Devils Advocate First 45.5 666 Dave Ramus 780 6.0 9.0 10.0 3.0 28.0 28.0
PY Mean Feeling Feeling 1040 1711 Alan Saunders 930 7.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 28.0 28.0
PY Brainwave Maxi 1000 8422 Carl Hardwidge 904 1.0 6.0 5.0 21.0 DNC 33.0 33.0
PY Dream Weaver   6384   1015 5.0 4.0 21.0 DNC 21.0 DNC 51.0 51.0
PY Ocean Dream Oceanis 350 8139 Lawrence Woodhams 945 21.0 DNC 21.0 DNC 8.0 7.0 57.0 57.0
PY Firebird Galleon 22 G204 David Golding 1138 9.0 21.0 DNC 21.0 DNC 8.0 59.0 59.0
PY Clipper Folkboat 721 John Underwood 1115 21.0 DNC 21.0 DNC 2.0 21.0 DNC 65.0 65.0
PY Troubador Jeaneau None Mike Wylde 1020 21.0 DNC 7.0 21.0 DNC 21.0 DNC 70.0 70.0
PY Idle Wish Oceanis 350 1418 John Pryke 990 21.0 DNC 21.0 DNC 9.0 21.0 DNC 72.0 72.0

Regatta 1 - IRC Fleet - 20/08/2011 at 12:30

Start: Summer 1, Finishes: Elapsed time
Fleet Boat Class SailNo Helm Rating Elapsed Corrected Points
IRC Jeneral Lee J Boat 6697 Graham Allen 0.983 0:40:23 0:39:42 1.0
IRC Vision SJ 320 2020 John May 0.962 0:43:44 0:42:04 2.0
IRC Barda First 45.5 3794 Steve Vyse 0.983 0.44.59 0.44.13 3.0
IRC Bombardier Elan 333 982 Terry Kinch 0.964 0.53.43 0.51.47 4.0

Regatta 2 - IRC Fleet - 20/08/2011 at 14:30

Start: Summer 1, Finishes: Elapsed time
Fleet Boat Class SailNo Helm Rating Elapsed Corrected Points
IRC Jeneral Lee J Boat 6697 Graham Allen 0.983 1:11:55 1:10:42 1.0
IRC Barda First 45.5 3794 Steve Vyse 0.983 1:17:43 1:16:24 2.0
IRC Moonlight Saunter Feeling 413 4114 David Skinner 0.979 1:18:51 1:17:12 3.0
IRC Vision SJ 320 2020 John May 0.962 1:21:55 1:18:48 4.0
IRC Bombardier Elan 333 982 Terry Kinch 0.964 1:25:38 1:22:33 5.0

Regatta 3 - IRC Fleet - 21/08/2011 at 12:00

Start: Summer 1, Finishes: Elapsed time
Fleet Boat Class SailNo Helm Rating Elapsed Corrected Points
IRC Vision SJ 320 2020 John May 0.962 1:33:41 1:30:07 1.0
IRC Jeneral Lee J Boat 6697 Graham Allen 0.983 1:32:43 1:31:08 2.0
IRC Barda First 45.5 3794 Steve Vyse 0.983 1:38:44 1:37:03 3.0
IRC Bombardier Elan 333 982 Terry Kinch 0.964 1:44:40 1:40:54 4.0
IRC Truant HOD 35 7580 Steve Thomas 1.007 1:45:20 1:46:04 5.0

Regatta 4 - IRC Fleet - 21/08/2011 at 14:15

Start: Summer 1, Finishes: Elapsed time
Fleet Boat Class SailNo Helm Rating Elapsed Corrected Points
IRC Vision SJ 320 2020 John May 0.962 0:56:30 0:54:21 1.0
IRC Jeneral Lee J Boat 6697 Graham Allen 0.983 0:55:50 0:54:53 2.0
IRC Barda First 45.5 3794 Steve Vyse 0.983 0:56:09 0:55:12 3.0
IRC Truant HOD 35 7580 Steve Thomas 1.007 1:01:36 1:02:02 4.0
IRC Bombardier Elan 333 982 Terry Kinch 0.964 1:07:33 1:05:07 5.0

Regatta 1 - PY Fleet - 20/08/2011 at 12:30

Start: Summer 1, Finishes: Elapsed time
Fleet Boat Class SailNo Helm Rating Elapsed Corrected Points
PY Brainwave Maxi 1000 8422 Carl Hardwidge 904 0:46:27 0:51:23 1.0
PY Kereru Young 8.8 5880 Peter Whittle 900 0:47:14 0:52:29 2.0
PY Neilson - Shark Bite Laser SB3 3146 Mark Foley 888 0:48:26 0:54:33 3.0
PY Italian Job Wing 4463 Doug Beanlands 920 0:52:09 0:56:41 4.0
PY Dream Weaver   6384   1015 1:03:48 1:02:51 5.0
PY Devils Advocate First 45.5 666 Dave Ramus 780 0:53:16 1:08:17 6.0
PY Mean Feeling Feeling 1040 1711 Alan Saunders 930 1:06:24 1:11:24 7.0
PY Scattered Magic   4046   960 1:11:34 1:14:33 8.0
PY Firebird Galleon 22 G204 David Golding 1138 1:32:09 1:20:59 9.0

Regatta 2 - PY Fleet - 20/08/2011 at 14:30

Start: Summer 1, Finishes: Elapsed time
Fleet Boat Class SailNo Helm Rating Elapsed Corrected Points
PY Kereru Young 8.8 5880 Peter Whittle 900 1:11:55 1:19:54 1.0
PY Italian Job Wing 4463 Doug Beanlands 920 1:16:20 1:22:58 2.0
PY Neilson - Shark Bite Laser SB3 3146 Mark Foley 888 1:16:01 1:25:36 3.0
PY Dream Weaver   6384   1015 1:28:33 1:27:14 4.0
PY Scattered Magic   4046   960 1:24:30 1:28:01 5.0
PY Brainwave Maxi 1000 8422 Carl Hardwidge 904 1:21:37 1:30:17 6.0
PY Troubador Jeaneau None Mike Wylde 1020 1:37:42 1:35:47 7.0
PY Mean Feeling Feeling 1040 1711 Alan Saunders 930 1:29:50 1:36:36 8.0
PY Devils Advocate First 45.5 666 Dave Ramus 780 1:21:38 1:44:39 9.0

Regatta 3 - PY Fleet - 21/08/2011 at 12:00

Start: Summer 1, Finishes: Elapsed time
Fleet Boat Class SailNo Helm Rating Elapsed Corrected Points
PY Neilson - Shark Bite Laser SB3 3146 Mark Foley 888 1:38:16 1:50:40 1.0
PY Clipper Folkboat 721 John Underwood 1115 2:04:40 1:51:49 2.0
PY Italian Job Wing 4463 Doug Beanlands 920 1:44:07 1:53:10 3.0
PY Kereru Young 8.8 5880 Peter Whittle 900 1:44:10 1:55:44 4.0
PY Brainwave Maxi 1000 8422 Carl Hardwidge 904 1:45:03 1:56:12 5.0
PY Scattered Magic   4046   960 1:52:25 1:57:06 6.0
PY Mean Feeling Feeling 1040 1711 Alan Saunders 930 1:53:09 2:01:40 7.0
PY Ocean Dream Oceanis 350 8139 Lawrence Woodhams 945 1:58:54 2:05:49 8.0
PY Idle Wish Oceanis 350 1418 John Pryke 990 2:04:39 2:05:55 9.0
PY Devils Advocate First 45.5 666 Dave Ramus 780 1:52:39 2:24:25 10.0

Regatta 4 - PY Fleet - 21/08/2011 at 14:15

Start: Summer 1, Finishes: Elapsed time
Fleet Boat Class SailNo Helm Rating Elapsed Corrected Points
PY Neilson - Shark Bite Laser SB3 3146 Mark Foley 888 0:57:03 1:04:15 1.0
PY Italian Job Wing 4463 Doug Beanlands 920 1:07:32 1:13:24 2.0
PY Devils Advocate First 45.5 666 Dave Ramus 780 0:57:31 1:13:44 3.0
PY Kereru Young 8.8 5880 Peter Whittle 900 1:06:48 1:14:13 4.0
PY Scattered Magic   4046   960 1:11:58 1:14:58 5.0
PY Mean Feeling Feeling 1040 1711 Alan Saunders 930 1:11:03 1:16:24 6.0
PY Ocean Dream Oceanis 350 8139 Lawrence Woodhams 945 1:12:51 1:17:05 7.0
PY Firebird Galleon 22 G204 David Golding 1138 1:33:27 1:22:07 8.0

Scoring codes used

DNCDid not come to the starting area

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.9.7