Autumn Series 2011

Results as of 12:15 on July 5, 2013

IRC Group 1 Fleet

Sailed: 7, Discards: 2, To count: 5, Rating system: TCC, Entries: 7, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank Fleet Boat Helm Rating Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Race 5 Race 6 Race 7 Total Nett
1st IRC Group 1 Flyover John Wilson 0.915 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 8.0 5.0
2nd IRC Group 1 Barda Steve Vyse 0.983 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.5 3.5 1.0 30.0 DNC 43.0 9.5
3rd IRC Group 1 Moonlight Saunter David Skinner 0.978 30.0 DNF 6.0 4.0 4.0 2.0 30.0 DNC 2.0 78.0 18.0
4th IRC Group 1 Bombardier Terry Kinch 0.964 8.4 OOD 4.0 3.0 6.0 3.5 30.0 DNF 4.0 58.9 20.5
5th IRC Group 1 Kingfisher Neil Prescott 0.941 3.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 8.5 OOD 3.0 30.0 DNC 59.5 21.0
6th IRC Group 1 Devils Advocate Dave Ramus 1.068 4.0 7.0 6.0 30.0 DNC 5.0 4.0 3.0 59.0 22.0
7th IRC Group 1 Catch 22 Tim Cork 0.914 30.0 DNC 3.0 30.0 DNC 2.5 30.0 DNC 30.0 DNC 30.0 DNC 155.5 95.5

PY Group 1 Fleet

Sailed: 7, Discards: 2, To count: 5, Rating system: PY, Entries: 8, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank Fleet Boat Helm Rating Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Race 5 Race 6 Race 7 Total Nett
1st PY Group 1 Flyover John Wilson 930 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 9.0 5.0
2nd PY Group 1 Barda Steve Vyse 868 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 30.0 DNC 42.0 9.0
3rd PY Group 1 Moonlight Saunter David Skinner 875 30.0 DNF 5.0 5.0 4.0 2.0 30.0 DNC 1.0 77.0 17.0
4th PY Group 1 Bombardier Terry Kinch 880 8.5 OOD 4.0 3.0 6.0 4.0 30.0 DNF 4.0 59.5 21.0
5th PY Group 1 Kingfisher Neil Prescott 900 4.0 6.0 6.0 5.0 9.0 OOD 3.0 30.0 DNC 63.0 24.0
6th PY Group 1 Devils Advocate Dave Ramus 780 5.0 7.0 7.0 30.0 DNC 6.0 4.0 5.0 64.0 27.0
7th PY Group 1 Yesitis Nigel Batchelor 856 3.0 30.0 DNC 4.0 30.0 DNF 5.0 30.0 DNC 3.0 105.0 45.0
8th PY Group 1 Catch 22 Tim Cork 932 30.0 DNC 3.0 30.0 DNC 3.0 30.0 DNC 30.0 DNC 30.0 DNC 156.0 96.0

PY Group 2 Fleet

Sailed: 7, Discards: 2, To count: 5, Rating system: PY, Entries: 11, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank Fleet Boat Helm Rating Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Race 5 Race 6 Race 7 Total Nett
1st PY Group 2 Mano Amica Giles Mayley 1010 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 2.0 12.0 6.0
2nd PY Group 2 Italian Job Doug Beanlands 920 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 11.0 7.0
3rd PY Group 2 Ghylly Godfrey Hix 1080 4.0 5.0 30.0 DNF 4.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 58.0 22.0
4th PY Group 2 Asterix of Helford Simon Oates 910 3.0 3.0 30.0 DNF 12.7 OOD 7.0 3.0 30.0 DNC 88.7 28.7
5th PY Group 2 Ocean Dream Lawrence Woodhams 945 30.0 DNC 4.0 30.0 DNF 3.0 5.0 4.0 30.0 DNC 106.0 46.0
6th PY Group 2 Escape David Nunn 1020 30.0 DNC 16.3 OOD 3.0 30.0 DNC 2.0 30.0 DNC 3.0 114.3 54.3
7th PY Group 2 Troubador Mike Wylde 1020 5.0 7.0 30.0 DNF 30.0 DNC 30.0 DNC 6.0 30.0 DNC 138.0 78.0
8th PY Group 2 Mean Feeling Alan Saunders 930 30.0 DNC 30.0 DNC 30.0 DNF 30.0 DNC 3.0 30.0 DNC 5.0 158.0 98.0
9th PY Group 2 Idle Wish John Pryke 990 30.0 DNF 6.0 30.0 DNF 30.0 DNC 30.0 DNC 30.0 DNC 30.0 DNC 186.0 126.0
10th PY Group 2 Dances with Waves Brian Thomas 1010 30.0 DNF 30.0 DNC 30.0 DNC 30.0 DNC 30.0 DNC 30.0 DNC 30.0 DNC 210.0 150.0
10th PY Group 2 Flying Fish Chris Redman 948 30.0 DNC 30.0 DNC 30.0 OOD 30.0 DNC 30.0 DNC 30.0 DNC 30.0 DNC 210.0 150.0

The BCE (Back Calculated Elapsed Time) column has been added as a bit of fun - the BCE represents how much faster each boat needed to sail on elapsed time taking into account handicaps to tie with the winner.

An interesting issue in the Group 1 Race 4 with a 2nd & 3rd place tie between Barda and Catch 22. On the day the result was decided in Barda's favour by going to 6 decimal places! However the relevant IRC rule 12.2 dictates that "The IRC rating is calculated as a Time Corrector (TCC) to three places of decimals. Corrected time for each boat is calculated by multiplying its elapsed time by its TCC. Corrected times shall be rounded to the nearest second with 0.5 seconds rounding up." As a result of this these results show the .5 point tie.

Race 1 - IRC Group 1 Fleet - 18/9/2011 at 13:00

Start: Autumn 1, Finishes: Finish time
Rank Fleet Boat Helm Rating Elapsed Corrected BCE Points
1 IRC Group 1 Flyover John Wilson 0.915 2:22:36 2:10:29 0:00:00 1.0
2 IRC Group 1 Barda Steve Vyse 0.983 2:14:50 2:12:32 0:02:06 2.0
3 IRC Group 1 Kingfisher Neil Prescott 0.941 2:30:34 2:21:41 0:11:54 3.0
4 IRC Group 1 Devils Advocate Dave Ramus 1.068 2:38:02 2:48:47 0:35:52 4.0
5 IRC Group 1 Bombardier Terry Kinch 0.964 OOD     8.4
6 IRC Group 1 Moonlight Saunter David Skinner 0.978 DNF     30.0

Race 2 - IRC Group 1 Fleet - 25/9/2011 at 10:00

Start: Autumn 2, Finishes: Finish time
Rank Fleet Boat Helm Rating Elapsed Corrected BCE Points
1 IRC Group 1 Flyover John Wilson 0.915 2:20:30 2:08:33 0:00:00 1.0
2 IRC Group 1 Barda Steve Vyse 0.983 2:12:41 2:10:26 0:01:54 2.0
3 IRC Group 1 Catch 22 Tim Cork 0.914 2:25:15 2:12:46 0:04:36 3.0
4 IRC Group 1 Bombardier Terry Kinch 0.964 2:19:08 2:14:07 0:05:46 4.0
5 IRC Group 1 Kingfisher Neil Prescott 0.941 2:26:35 2:17:56 0:09:58 5.0
6 IRC Group 1 Moonlight Saunter David Skinner 0.978 2:22:08 2:19:00 0:10:41 6.0
7 IRC Group 1 Devils Advocate Dave Ramus 1.068 2:20:33 2:30:06 0:20:11 7.0

Race 3 - IRC Group 1 Fleet - 2/10/2011 at 13:00

Start: Autumn 3, Finishes: Elapsed time
Rank Fleet Boat Helm Rating Elapsed Corrected BCE Points
1 IRC Group 1 Flyover John Wilson 0.915 02:57:42 2:42:36 0:00:00 1.0
2 IRC Group 1 Barda Steve Vyse 0.983 02:50:14 2:47:20 0:04:50 2.0
3 IRC Group 1 Bombardier Terry Kinch 0.964 02:54:51 2:48:33 0:06:11 3.0
4 IRC Group 1 Moonlight Saunter David Skinner 0.978 02:59:44 2:55:47 0:13:29 4.0
5 IRC Group 1 Kingfisher Neil Prescott 0.941 03:07:42 2:56:38 0:14:55 5.0
6 IRC Group 1 Devils Advocate Dave Ramus 1.068 03:02:44 3:15:10 0:30:29 6.0

Race 4 - IRC Group 1 Fleet - 9/10/2011 at 10:00

Start: Autumn 4, Finishes: Finish time
Rank Fleet Boat Helm Rating Elapsed Corrected BCE Points
1 IRC Group 1 Flyover John Wilson 0.915 2:37:20 2:23:58 0:00:00 1.0
2 IRC Group 1 Barda Steve Vyse 0.983 2:29:10 2:26:38 0:02:43 2.5
2 IRC Group 1 Catch 22 Tim Cork 0.914 2:40:26 2:26:38 0:02:56 2.5
4 IRC Group 1 Moonlight Saunter David Skinner 0.978 2:34:15 2:30:51 0:07:03 4.0
5 IRC Group 1 Kingfisher Neil Prescott 0.941 2:41:10 2:31:39 0:08:11 5.0
6 IRC Group 1 Bombardier Terry Kinch 0.964 2:42:05 2:36:15 0:12:45 6.0

Race 5 - IRC Group 1 Fleet - 16/10/2011 at 13:00

Start: Autumn 5, Finishes: Finish time
Rank Fleet Boat Helm Rating Elapsed Corrected BCE Points
1 IRC Group 1 Flyover John Wilson 0.915 2.42.13 2.28.26 0.00.00 1.0
2 IRC Group 1 Moonlight Saunter David Skinner 0.978 2.41.43 2.38.10 0.09.57 2.0
3 IRC Group 1 Barda Steve Vyse 0.983 2.40.56 2.38.12 0.09.56 3.5
3 IRC Group 1 Bombardier Terry Kinch 0.964 2.44.06 2.38.12 0.10.08 3.5
5 IRC Group 1 Devils Advocate Dave Ramus 1.068 2.42.54 2.53.59 0.23.55 5.0
6 IRC Group 1 Kingfisher Neil Prescott 0.941 OOD     8.5

Race 6 - IRC Group 1 Fleet - 23/10/2011 at 09:00

Start: Autumn 6, Finishes: Elapsed time
Rank Fleet Boat Helm Rating Elapsed Corrected BCE Points
1 IRC Group 1 Barda Steve Vyse 0.983 02:07:22 2:05:12 0:00:00 1.0
2 IRC Group 1 Flyover John Wilson 0.915 02:17:22 2:05:41 0:00:32 2.0
3 IRC Group 1 Kingfisher Neil Prescott 0.941 02:23:54 2:15:25 0:10:51 3.0
4 IRC Group 1 Devils Advocate Dave Ramus 1.068 02:15:22 2:24:34 0:18:08 4.0
5 IRC Group 1 Bombardier Terry Kinch 0.964 DNF     30.0

Race 7 - IRC Group 1 Fleet - 30/10/2011 at 13:00

Start: Autumn 7, Finishes: Elapsed time
Rank Fleet Boat Helm Rating Elapsed Corrected BCE Points
1 IRC Group 1 Flyover John Wilson 0.915 1.53.33 1.43.54 0.00.00 1.0
2 IRC Group 1 Moonlight Saunter David Skinner 0.978 1.46.28 1.44.07 0.00.14 2.0
3 IRC Group 1 Devils Advocate Dave Ramus 1.068 1.43.04 1.50.05 0.05.47 3.0
4 IRC Group 1 Bombardier Terry Kinch 0.964 1.55.11 1.51.02 0.07.24 4.0

Race 1 - PY Group 1 Fleet - 18/9/2011 at 13:00

Start: Autumn 1, Finishes: Finish time
Rank Fleet Boat Helm Rating Elapsed Corrected BCE Points
1 PY Group 1 Flyover John Wilson 930 2:22:36 2:33:20 0:00:00 1.0
2 PY Group 1 Barda Steve Vyse 868 2:14:50 2:35:20 0:01:44 2.0
3 PY Group 1 Yesitis Nigel Batchelor 856 2:22:54 2:46:56 0:11:39 3.0
4 PY Group 1 Kingfisher Neil Prescott 900 2:30:34 2:47:18 0:12:34 4.0
5 PY Group 1 Devils Advocate Dave Ramus 780 2:38:02 3:22:36 0:38:26 5.0
6 PY Group 1 Bombardier Terry Kinch 880 OOD     8.5
7 PY Group 1 Moonlight Saunter David Skinner 875 DNF     30.0

Race 2 - PY Group 1 Fleet - 25/9/2011 at 10:00

Start: Autumn 2, Finishes: Finish time
Rank Fleet Boat Helm Rating Elapsed Corrected BCE Points
1 PY Group 1 Flyover John Wilson 930 2:20:30 2:31:05 0:00:00 1.0
2 PY Group 1 Barda Steve Vyse 868 2:12:41 2:32:52 0:01:33 2.0
3 PY Group 1 Catch 22 Tim Cork 932 2:25:15 2:35:51 0:04:27 3.0
4 PY Group 1 Bombardier Terry Kinch 880 2:19:08 2:38:06 0:06:11 4.0
5 PY Group 1 Moonlight Saunter David Skinner 875 2:22:08 2:42:26 0:09:57 5.0
6 PY Group 1 Kingfisher Neil Prescott 900 2:26:35 2:42:52 0:10:37 6.0
7 PY Group 1 Devils Advocate Dave Ramus 780 2:20:33 3:00:12 0:22:43 7.0

Race 3 - PY Group 1 Fleet - 2/10/2011 at 13:00

Start: Autumn 3, Finishes: Elapsed time
Rank Fleet Boat Helm Rating Elapsed Corrected BCE Points
1 PY Group 1 Flyover John Wilson 930 02:57:42 3:11:05 0:00:00 1.0
2 PY Group 1 Barda Steve Vyse 868 02:50:14 3:16:07 0:04:23 2.0
3 PY Group 1 Bombardier Terry Kinch 880 02:54:51 3:18:42 0:06:42 3.0
4 PY Group 1 Yesitis Nigel Batchelor 856 02:52:48 3:21:52 0:09:14 4.0
5 PY Group 1 Moonlight Saunter David Skinner 875 02:59:44 3:25:25 0:12:33 5.0
6 PY Group 1 Kingfisher Neil Prescott 900 03:07:42 3:28:33 0:15:44 6.0
7 PY Group 1 Devils Advocate Dave Ramus 780 03:02:44 3:54:16 0:33:42 7.0

Race 4 - PY Group 1 Fleet - 9/10/2011 at 10:00

Start: Autumn 4, Finishes: Finish time
Rank Fleet Boat Helm Rating Elapsed Corrected BCE Points
1 PY Group 1 Flyover John Wilson 930 2:37:20 2:49:11 0:00:00 1.0
2 PY Group 1 Barda Steve Vyse 868 2:29:10 2:51:51 0:02:19 2.0
3 PY Group 1 Catch 22 Tim Cork 932 2:40:26 2:52:08 0:02:46 3.0
4 PY Group 1 Moonlight Saunter David Skinner 875 2:34:15 2:56:17 0:06:13 4.0
5 PY Group 1 Kingfisher Neil Prescott 900 2:41:10 2:59:04 0:08:55 5.0
6 PY Group 1 Bombardier Terry Kinch 880 2:42:05 3:04:11 0:13:13 6.0
7 PY Group 1 Yesitis Nigel Batchelor 856 DNF     30.0

Race 5 - PY Group 1 Fleet - 16/10/2011 at 13:00

Start: Autumn 5, Finishes: Finish time
Rank Fleet Boat Helm Rating Elapsed Corrected BCE Points
1 PY Group 1 Flyover John Wilson 930 2.42.13 2.54.26 0.00.00 1.0
2 PY Group 1 Moonlight Saunter David Skinner 875 2.41.43 3.04.49 0.09.06 2.0
3 PY Group 1 Barda Steve Vyse 868 2.40.56 3.05.24 0.09.32 3.0
4 PY Group 1 Bombardier Terry Kinch 880 2.44.06 3.06.29 0.10.36 4.0
5 PY Group 1 Yesitis Nigel Batchelor 856 2.40.38 3.07.39 0.11.19 5.0
6 PY Group 1 Devils Advocate Dave Ramus 780 2.42.54 3.28.51 0.26.51 6.0
7 PY Group 1 Kingfisher Neil Prescott 900 OOD     9.0

Race 6 - PY Group 1 Fleet - 23/10/2011 at 09:00

Start: Autumn 6, Finishes: Elapsed time
Rank Fleet Boat Helm Rating Elapsed Corrected BCE Points
1 PY Group 1 Barda Steve Vyse 868 02:07:22 2:26:44 0:00:00 1.0
2 PY Group 1 Flyover John Wilson 930 02:17:22 2:27:42 0:00:54 2.0
3 PY Group 1 Kingfisher Neil Prescott 900 02:23:54 2:39:53 0:11:50 3.0
4 PY Group 1 Devils Advocate Dave Ramus 780 02:15:22 2:53:33 0:20:55 4.0
5 PY Group 1 Bombardier Terry Kinch 880 DNF     30.0

Race 7 - PY Group 1 Fleet - 30/10/2011 at 13:00

Start: Autumn 7, Finishes: Elapsed time
Rank Fleet Boat Helm Rating Elapsed Corrected BCE Points
1 PY Group 1 Moonlight Saunter David Skinner 875 1.46.28 2.01.41 0.00.00 1.0
2 PY Group 1 Flyover John Wilson 930 1.53.33 2.02.06 0.00.23 2.0
3 PY Group 1 Yesitis Nigel Batchelor 856 1.47.03 2.05.04 0.02.54 3.0
4 PY Group 1 Bombardier Terry Kinch 880 1.55.11 2.10.53 0.08.06 4.0
5 PY Group 1 Devils Advocate Dave Ramus 780 1.43.04 2.12.08 0.08.10 5.0

Race 1 - PY Group 2 Fleet - 18/9/2011 at 13:00

Start: Autumn 1, Finishes: Finish time
Rank Fleet Boat Helm Rating Elapsed Corrected BCE Points
1 PY Group 2 Italian Job Doug Beanlands 920 1:21:03 1:28:06 0:00:00 1.0
2 PY Group 2 Mano Amica Giles Mayley 1010 1:40:59 1:39:59 0:12:00 2.0
3 PY Group 2 Asterix of Helford Simon Oates 910 1:39:00 1:48:47 0:18:50 3.0
4 PY Group 2 Ghylly Godfrey Hix 1080 2:13:58 2:04:03 0:38:49 4.0
5 PY Group 2 Troubador Mike Wylde 1020 2:15:00 2:12:21 0:45:08 5.0
6 PY Group 2 Idle Wish John Pryke 990 DNF     30.0
6 PY Group 2 Dances with Waves Brian Thomas 1010 DNF     30.0

Race 2 - PY Group 2 Fleet - 25/9/2011 at 10:00

Start: Autumn 2, Finishes: Finish time
Rank Fleet Boat Helm Rating Elapsed Corrected BCE Points
1 PY Group 2 Mano Amica Giles Mayley 1010 2:01:45 2:00:33 0:00:00 1.0
2 PY Group 2 Italian Job Doug Beanlands 920 1:57:03 2:07:14 0:06:09 2.0
3 PY Group 2 Asterix of Helford Simon Oates 910 1:59:52 2:11:43 0:10:10 3.0
4 PY Group 2 Ocean Dream Lawrence Woodhams 945 2:05:36 2:12:55 0:11:41 4.0
5 PY Group 2 Ghylly Godfrey Hix 1080 2:25:45 2:14:57 0:15:34 5.0
6 PY Group 2 Idle Wish John Pryke 990 2:22:32 2:23:58 0:23:12 6.0
7 PY Group 2 Troubador Mike Wylde 1020 2:29:06 2:26:11 0:26:09 7.0
8 PY Group 2 Escape David Nunn 1020 OOD     16.3

Race 3 - PY Group 2 Fleet - 2/10/2011 at 13:00

Start: Autumn 3, Finishes: Elapsed time
Rank Fleet Boat Helm Rating Elapsed Corrected BCE Points
1 PY Group 2 Mano Amica Giles Mayley 1010 03:28:57 3:26:53 0:00:00 1.0
2 PY Group 2 Italian Job Doug Beanlands 920 03:16:03 3:33:06 0:05:43 2.0
3 PY Group 2 Escape David Nunn 1020 03:42:30 3:38:08 0:11:29 3.0
4 PY Group 2 Ghylly Godfrey Hix 1080 DNF     30.0
4 PY Group 2 Asterix of Helford Simon Oates 910 DNF     30.0
4 PY Group 2 Ocean Dream Lawrence Woodhams 945 DNF     30.0
4 PY Group 2 Troubador Mike Wylde 1020 DNF     30.0
4 PY Group 2 Mean Feeling Alan Saunders 930 DNF     30.0
4 PY Group 2 Idle Wish John Pryke 990 DNF     30.0
4 PY Group 2 Flying Fish Chris Redman 948 OOD     30.0

Race 4 - PY Group 2 Fleet - 9/10/2011 at 10:00

Start: Autumn 4, Finishes: Finish time
Rank Fleet Boat Helm Rating Elapsed Corrected BCE Points
1 PY Group 2 Mano Amica Giles Mayley 1010 2:07:31 2:06:15 0:00:00 1.0
2 PY Group 2 Italian Job Doug Beanlands 920 2:02:20 2:12:58 0:06:11 2.0
3 PY Group 2 Ocean Dream Lawrence Woodhams 945 2:15:40 2:23:34 0:16:21 3.0
4 PY Group 2 Ghylly Godfrey Hix 1080 2:42:12 2:30:11 0:25:51 4.0
5 PY Group 2 Asterix of Helford Simon Oates 910 OOD     12.7

Race 5 - PY Group 2 Fleet - 16/10/2011 at 13:00

Start: Autumn 5, Finishes: Finish time
Rank Fleet Boat Helm Rating Elapsed Corrected BCE Points
1 PY Group 2 Italian Job Doug Beanlands 920 2.02.22 2.13.00 0.00.00 1.0
2 PY Group 2 Escape David Nunn 1020 2.27.43 2.24.49 0.12.03 2.0
3 PY Group 2 Mean Feeling Alan Saunders 930 2.16.35 2.26.52 0.12.53 3.0
4 PY Group 2 Mano Amica Giles Mayley 1010 2.30.08 2.28.39 0.15.48 4.0
5 PY Group 2 Ocean Dream Lawrence Woodhams 945 2.27.18 2.35.52 0.21.36 5.0
6 PY Group 2 Ghylly Godfrey Hix 1080 2.49.23 2.36.50 0.25.44 6.0
7 PY Group 2 Asterix of Helford Simon Oates 910 2.23.01 2.37.10 0.21.59 7.0

Race 6 - PY Group 2 Fleet - 23/10/2011 at 09:00

Start: Autumn 6, Finishes: Elapsed time
Rank Fleet Boat Helm Rating Elapsed Corrected BCE Points
1 PY Group 2 Mano Amica Giles Mayley 1010 02:06:01 2:04:46 0:00:00 1.0
2 PY Group 2 Italian Job Doug Beanlands 920 01:55:22 2:05:24 0:00:35 2.0
3 PY Group 2 Asterix of Helford Simon Oates 910 01:57:35 2:09:13 0:04:03 3.0
4 PY Group 2 Ocean Dream Lawrence Woodhams 945 02:03:51 2:11:03 0:05:57 4.0
5 PY Group 2 Ghylly Godfrey Hix 1080 02:25:13 2:14:28 0:10:28 5.0
6 PY Group 2 Troubador Mike Wylde 1020 02:24:35 2:21:45 0:17:19 6.0

Race 7 - PY Group 2 Fleet - 30/10/2011 at 13:00

Start: Autumn 7, Finishes: Elapsed time
Rank Fleet Boat Helm Rating Elapsed Corrected BCE Points
1 PY Group 2 Italian Job Doug Beanlands 920 1.54.13 2.04.09 0.00.00 1.0
2 PY Group 2 Mano Amica Giles Mayley 1010 2.06.01 2.04.46 0.00.38 2.0
3 PY Group 2 Escape David Nunn 1020 2.13.10 2.10.33 0.06.32 3.0
4 PY Group 2 Ghylly Godfrey Hix 1080 2.21.51 2.11.21 0.07.46 4.0
5 PY Group 2 Mean Feeling Alan Saunders 930 2.12.24 2.22.22 0.16.57 5.0

Scoring codes used

CodeDescription Points
DNCDid not come to the starting area 30
DNFStarted but did not finish 30
OODRace officer duty points scored as RDGa Varies

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.9.7