


Dear Members,

You may have noticed changes to the car park at Shoreham. There are now 30 marked spaces on the tarmac to the east of the slipway and there will be a further 4 disabled spaces at the foot of the pedestrian ramp into the clubhouse. There is no longer any parking on the rough ground north of the clubhouse - this area will only be used for deliveries and contractors’ vehicles.

The reason we’re doing this is to make sure parking spaces are only for members who use the Shoreham club – the bar, restaurant, boatyard, moorings and boat park. With marked spaces and updated permits it is far easier for us to identify vehicles that should not be here. The problem is that about 10-15 vehicles are usually left here overnight, some for several days. We don’t have space for this, especially when there’s a spring tide, ‘Sailability’ is active, kayakers and outriggers are practicing and people working on their boats in the yard. Staff and members have had to put up with verbal confrontations and even a physical assault on one occasion over parking. Boatyard staff often have to stop work because a car blocks the travel hoist. These are issues we have to address.

The Club rules are clear as are the sanctions - you can see these HERE Rule 5 and 3 - and they will be enforced.

So please:

Only use the marked spaces in the Shoreham car park if you are a member and using the facilities.

Do not leave your vehicle overnight.

Do not park in the boatyard on weekdays - you can drop materials off, but you must move your car immediately afterwards.

Do not park on the slipway, including the spaces at the top for day boats that may be out sailing.

If the car park is full, there are public car parks a short walk away at Tarmount Lane, Middle Street and Ham Road. If you have any questions, please e-mail the office. Please tell the office if you see anyone parking here who should not. Incidentally, the club have a licence for use of the land sold to the Council for the new sea wall. It will be fenced off when work starts, but until then we are responsible for it. It is not a public space.

View the plan of the car park HERE

Posted: August 23rd 2024

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