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Sussex Yacht Club



RWE Renewables UK Wind Ltd at Rampion windfarm would like to inform mariners that we are undertaking essential beach
remediation works at cable landfall and the area should be avoided for the duration where practicable.

This work is due to commence 16th September 2024 and is due to cease 31st October 2024 within the cable corridor order limits
at Lancing Beach, Lancing, BN15 8RA. These dates may be subject to slippage and further Notice to Mariners.

The works involve: removal of the top 20cm of clay in areas above the cables, backfilling with cobbles and reinstatement of sand
to return the beach to its former profile. The risk to local beach users is involved with deployment of heavy plant such as backhoe
loaders and removal vehicles.

For the safety of the working crew and anyone in the vicinity of the remediation works, vigilance is required by all when navigating the beach for the duration of the works.


Figure 1: Planned Remediation Areas shown in blue

Click Here to read forwarded letter.

Posted: September 12th 2024

Lancing Beach Cable Remediation Works
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